Ninja Kid 12
Hello there my name is Pesi and today I will be telling you about my book and what its all about.
As you can tell by the title the book I read was “Ninja Kid 12” the characters in there was Nelson(Ninja Kid), Kenny(Nelson’s Cousin), Charles(school bully), Nelson’s Grandma, the school, and DR KANE(the evilest doctor out of the city)
Grandma has invented a HYPNO ring! It’s so powerful, it can make you CLUCK like a chicken or HOP like a frog-
it even makes Kenny forget he’s SCARD OF LADYBUGS!!!!
but when the ring is STOLEN, how will Nelson stop all the HECTIC HYPNO MAYHEM?!.
Thats it for today guys, hope you guys enjoyed and leave a postive comment on my blog Please..
Don’t forget to put a smile on your face.
have a great day.!!
The Bad guys book..
Hi there again, if you don’t know already my name is Pesi, and today I will be telling you what book I read and what its about..
The book I read is “The Bad guys” you probably know what the bad guys look like but there is a Wolf, a Shark, a Piranha and a Snake..
10,000 chickens are Trapped in a high-tech cage farm! Who could possibly SAVE them? Well, how about a Wolf, a shark, a Piranha, and a snake..
Who’s also known as “The Chicken Swallower” what could possibly go wrong?!
you probably think that the bad guys cant save them, because they’re bad guys but they had an idea to make the world think their are good guys. They will go to a place called “Sunny side Chicken Farm” where all of the chickens are trapped inside these small cages, no sunlight no space to run around no nothing is in there, its dark and the chicken’s are afraid. The Sunny side Chicken farm is also known for having a lot of security so that no one could get in.
Thank you I hope you enjoyed please leave a positive comment on my blog.!
About the book…
Malo e lelei you probably already know what my name is, but my name is Pesi and I will be telling you what book I read and what its about…
The book I read was “Pearl the flying unicorn” Pearl ( the unicorn) had 2 friends they were Olive and tweet. Olive is an Ogre, and Tweet was a firebird.
Pearl, Olive and Tweet are on a hunt for glitter feathers! But they’ve blown all the way over the Gull Island( full of Pirate gobble-uns). They use Olive’s Ogre-boat to reach the island, but rowing quickly behind them are three mean and stinky pirate Gobble-un!
Can Pearl use her magic to save her friend in time.. ?
That’s all for today hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave a positive comment on my blog..
Have a nice sunny day!!😄
Today & Next Week:
Hi its Pesi again today i will be telling you what my day has been going, my feelings, and what I’m doing next week.
Today was a normal chill day I didn’t really do much today but I had to clean up the rooms and the living room.
Today was so hot that I wanted to go swimming but we didn’t have time because my mom is working and my dad is working too. If everyone else is busy then I will just go under the shade outside.
Next week I’m going camping with my auntie and uncle plus my siblings. We are going to sleep in tents Girls have to go with girls, and boys have to go with boys.
My auntie even said there is not going to be any power, but that’s not going to let me down. I am there to have fun not to be scared and shy.
Here are some advice if you’re having a bad day, “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s why I succeed” by Micheal Jordan.
Have a nice great day.
About Today and Last night.
Hello there again!, Today I will be telling you what I did last night and what book I read today.
Last night my family and I had a movie night, the movie we watched was transformers 2 and 3. The movie was so awesome I wanted to watch the movie again,
unfortunately we didn’t have any snacks to munch on because we didn’t have any but it was ok at least the movie was pretty cool.
This is about the book, The book is called “The Smallest kitten” its about these twins named Zara & Amina they bought a new house and they adopted a tiny kitten, they cant wait to spoil her and play with her all the time. But the sisters have different ideas about the best way to look after pixie(the cat) and when they start at a new school, the divide between them only grows.
That’s all that happened today hope you leave a positive comment on my blog and have a great day!!.
Summer Holidays
Hello and greetings to you all. My name is Pesi, and today, I will be talking about what I did during the Summer holidays.
Two or three weeks ago, on a Friday, my family and I went to the swimming pools with my cousins. We went to the Glenn Innes swimming pool near Tamaki College We had so much fun that we didn’t want to get out of the pool. We were there for about half an hour. After that, We went to KFC for Lunch. We sat there taking our time eating.
When I finished eating, my cousins and I played some hand games while we were waiting for our parents to finish eating. While we were waiting they were finishing up all their food and cleaning the mess we made, When they finished we all went outside have a little chit chat and then we all went home.
The next day we had to go to the Ptengland beach for a family reunion on my Nan’s side of the family, We all had to introduce ourselfs to our cousins that just came from the Philippines we all knew each other so fast that we got to get along with each other so well, the games that we played were touch, kicks, and throws after that we all went down to the water and swam it was so fun because we all jumped off the rocks and did bombs and manu’s.
WELL.. an anonymous fish has been swimming around
lets find out what it is? and why they need it !
( this poster includes 4 facts, the reward if you find it)
Quality Comments Task
Task description:
KIA Ora and welcome to my cyber-smart challenge !
this week my class and i is going to be learning how to write a POSITIVE comment on someones blog post
Please leave a comment,
KIA K AHA strive to succeed !!
4 facts about Niue.
Task descriptions: This week we are learning about Niue.
Here are some facts about it hope you enjoy and learn some stuff.